We are looking for astrophotography, scenery, or just pictures of people with their scopes. Whatever you'd like to contribute. Please email them to the Webmaster. If you're posting astrophotos, please send details to be published with pictures. If you would rather send links to where you've already posted pictures, we can do that too.
2011 Photos
2008 Photos
Bolide taken by: David Wang details: I took this at 2008-09-30 3:20 am with my Canon 10D and an 8 mm Sigma lens from the Okie-Tex field. |
2007 Photos
Sorry, I got a little laazy with posting pictures from 2007. Will try to get them posted soon. |
2006 Photos
Okie-Tent taken by: Joe Gafford details: Just before we had to take it down |
Showing Their Colors taken by: Luc Coulombe details: El Presidente Jeff Thibodeau and Yvon Dufresne from Montreal wearing their colors |
New Scope taken by: Rex Cox details: The receiving of a new Obsession from Dave Kriege |
John Summers on Flamingo Ridge taken by: Rex Cox details: |
Rex Cox on Flamingo Ridge taken by: John Summers details: |
Milky Way & an Obsession taken by: Paul Baily details: |

taken by:
Yvon Dufresne
taken by:
Yvon Dufresne
A Variety of Pictures taken by Lonnie Mosley of Nederland TX
A Variety of Pictures taken by Boyd Poteet of Dover OK
Previous years
Star Trails
taken by:
Dan Lessmann
details: 4 hr exposure |
taken by: Dan Lessmann
details: |
taken by: Dan Lessmann
details: |
taken by: Dan Lessmann
details: |
taken by: Joe Gafford
Scope: 18" f4.5 JMI NGT-18 Newtonian
Camera: SBIG ST-2000XM CCD camera.
Exposure: 10, 10, 7, 10 minute of LRGB respectively. |
Observing fields
taken by:
Chuck Glascock
East observing fields at Okie-Tex from the NW, on 3 Oct. |
A little movie put together by Victor Hawk (approx 6.5 meg wmv format)
Overlook of Camp Billy Joe From Flamingo Hill
taken by:
Paul Rothove
Hartsburg, MO |
Close up of Okie & Tex (camp mascots)
taken by:
Paul Rothove
Hartsburg, MO |
Capulin Volcano in New Mexico
taken by:
Paul Rothove
Hartsburg, MO |
IC 1396 / Cepheus
taken by:
Rockett Crawford
details on page