2025 Menu
Notice: At the door meals are limited. Please pre-register to insure meals are available. At the door meals will only be available after pre-purchased meals have been served. If your meal reservation is not postmarked by the cut off date of August 30 the $4.00 per meal charge will be enforced this year! Thank you Jody
September 19 - September 26, 2025
Okie-Tex Meal Request Form in PDF
Breakfast: $12 Lunch: $14 Dinner: $18
Sack lunch available anytime, Ham or Turkey for $12.
There will be $4.00 per meal added on for those meals not preregistered. Meal request forms must be postmarked no later than August 30, 2025.
Meals served on Central Daylight Time: 8:00 am 12:00 Noon 5:00 pm
- Drinks will be available for DONATIONS during the day.
- Desserts will be provided with lunch and dinner meals.
- Adequate portions will be served. Second portions cannot be assumed. If available, they will be served after everyone who has purchased a meal has had time to show up and eat, and volunteers have had a chance to eat. Seconds will be announced at least 30 minutes after serving time.
- Breakfast option: burrito only $5.00, juice $2.00.
- REMEMBER to make you meal reservations early and before cut-off date to assure food to eat and avoid extra costs!!
- Children's prices: up to 12 years of age. Portions will be smaller.
Breakfast: $8.50 Lunch: $11.50 Dinner: $15.00